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Global Chamber of Economies  .  .  totally new alliance of local economies

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Local Media    Local Zones
Local Media    -  Market Makers
  Binary Markets can only have zero or positive growth

Binary Markets track productivity and economic growth in real time within Free Open Market Economic Zones, where industries have access to an operating platform that give businesses a competitive advantage.

Binary Markets solve the boom and bust business cycles of the Old Economy by only operating in true value  -  tracked and analyzed as 0 or 1, a zero or positive result  -  that positive productivity is recorded down to 14 decimal points and this enables the micro distribution of the Location Tax to be shared with the global crowd in the UDI Portfolios, in real time.

The market analysis that's available to the the global crowd provides the real time volume of productivity in the various locations all the way down to specific industries types, which can be of value to users who have an interest in driving productivity in the interconnected FOMEZ locations that are form the decentralized local economic markets - DeCom Markets.

Sellers along the Supply Chains in each FOMEZ automatically taps into the Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital ( DFDC ) when Outsourcing the Selling of their products and services  -  there's no cost to draw on the neutral global trading value held globally by the Users operating as market makers ( OMMs - Open Market Makers ).

Using binary economics as the core value mechanism to keep the New Economy stable and true, is the only way for economic growth to scale exponentially  -  monetizing inventory as an economic value to operate as a global trading unit of account ( Internet of Money ) in Global Binary Markets provide the necessary inter-connectivity for Free Open Market Economic Zones to set a positive course.

Localization  -  is about local Free Open Market Economic Zones  -  FOMEZ

Free Economic Zones started being established in the late 1950's, followed by Special Economic Zones, these zones are used by countries to get foreign companies to invest locally and employ locals in return for favorable taxing and benefits.

ComTechX takes the Free Economic Zone model and adjusts it in favor of expanding Localizations to benefit local manufacturers, producers and retailers, in fact any local business along the Supply Chain, even established foreign businesses  -  Cloudfunding operates from local economy to economy giving the flow of benefits an organic way to spread across cities and regions.

Cloudfunding benefits local Supply Chains by automatically forming Free Open Market Economic Zones around the Suppliers and Sellers of their products with a Competitive Advantage over imports, and importantly gives Sellers greater control over Selling Prices  -  the Outsourced Selling of locally produced goods naturally builds a defense without requiring subsidies or tax concessions.

Global Markets have always operated with traders and middle-men to set pricing based on Supply and Demand in major global trade, which often caused players down along the Supply Chain to suffer the boom and bust  -  technology can maintain profitability to Suppliers ( SMEs ) based on real time knowledge on what's happening in Supply and Demand by having the Global Chamber of Economies to keep track of global productivity.

Cloudfunding solves the Internet's missing economic infrastructure

Cloudfunding solves the conundrum of the missing economic infrastructure value backing the New Digital Economy  -  it solves the destruction and collateral damage caused by the industry traders using heavy tools trying to control the equilibrium in Supply and Demand  -  Outsourced Selling structures the pricing from the Supply side where it maintains pricing at profitable industry levels while giving better options for the Demand side to carry through to the end consumers to maintain equilibrium, Outsourced Selling's pricing dynamics provides more incentives for opening up new markets, which can maintain the longevity for Demand  -  moving stimulus from economy to economy.

Cloudfunding doesn't create money, it digitally aligns with local currencies already in local economies and perpetually redistributes it using technology that stimulates the flow of Capital through better economics, via a decentralized and democratic consensus using Productivity as the leading catalyst  -  with the end focus of increasing the economic growth in those local economies.

Supply and Demand come together on the Global Open Market Trade Xchange  -  GOMTX, this is where sellers ( SMEs ) list their products and services to use the Outsourced Selling process to sell at the retail level or to other suppliers on the Global Seller's Trade Xchange.

With Selling Prices set using genuine production costs in any global location and region, there's still ample flexibility in Outsourced Selling to find real time Demand in the local markets, there's an option to use the Price Demand by a complete industry or by individual Suppliers, it finds the true value in Demand in real time for any product or service.

FOMEZ provides the platform for new innovation to grow with the benefit of a free financial system to help build and defend a new Seller or Startup's enterprise, which can normally be slow if not impossible to launch  -  entrepreneurs, big enterprises and SMEs can all use Cloudfunding with Outsourced Selling to get their own Competitive Advantage, and gain perpetual productivity, driven by local citizens wanting the benefits.

With any economy regardless of the size, it relies entirely on the velocity of commercial activity to drive the spread of prosperity in the region  -  modern banking uses the money supply to control the velocity of money  -  Cloudfunding uses Outsourced Selling and the Global Crowd to incentivize the velocity in productivity, which flows on to spread prosperity, without any cost  -  in a Cashless World it bypasses the need for any gateway for money-supply to exist.

The scale in which Outsourced Selling can reach is global, it has a natural fit with regions that rely on Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) where international loans are offered, which can sometimes be good but in many cases slow to implement and costly for the region

-  what Cloudfunding offers is Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital ( DFDC ), which directly impacts a region by directly giving Sellers the free use of Outsourced Selling to provide the flow of Capital directly into their local economies, without involving any incumbents, all for free.

Offline and Online worlds both have different mechanics and limitations that they need to absorb into their operating costs  -  this is where LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs are designed to merge Offline and Online worlds into seamless O2O Commerce.

Direct Automated Market

Every User can get involved in the productivity side that can influence trade by being an OMM - Open Market Maker, OMM's are market makers that passively participate in driving trade for the Sellers through to the eventual Buyers

-  as an OMM you're a business entity that doesn't handle any stock or deal with any customers, it's the simple process of using Cloudfunds that are earned for free, then using them to set strategies, and add a bid or be eliminated when it's needed, winning deals earn a profit margin that most businesses could never achieve.

The New Economy is the digitization and democratization of the commercial flow of value through Global Trade and Commerce using digital technology to track a neutral international units of account, which in some way is the digitizing of what the IMF have tried with SDR  -  SDR is a restricted Special Drawing Rights value  -  a foreign-reserve currency also termed as XDR, which is created like quantitative easing but without printing money or having any true backing  -  its objective has been to replace gold and US Dollars  -  its role is for IMF member countries to draw down the SDR at various costs so it can be exchanged between trading countries to balance trade surpluses and deficits.

What the New Digital Economy does with Cloudfunding, and in particular with DFDC - Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital, is validate the Free Economic Value against genuine global productivity, allowing it to be globally used ( compared to the limited use of SDR ) to fully democratize trade  -  removing the incumbents to open up global economies to free open markets with an interconnecting ubiquitous flow with a neutral international trading unit of account value  -  making it freely available for the people of the world, and countries, to control and operate with in real time, within the real economies

Each FOMEZ forms part of the D.O.M.E. network

If products and services are of comparable quality between imported and those locally produced, then price will be the natural 'decider', and not the manipulated or exploitive methods used by governments with subsidies or cheap labour used by big business.

Globalization is a strategy to expand and grow  -  Localization is a digital strategy to protect and survive in Free Open Markets.

Cloudfunding is 21st Century's answer to leveling the playing field  -  it exponentially generates Localization.

The era of using Globalization to increase growth and wealth can be limited by the scale of moving product from one location to another

Just the movement of product from one country to another by super container ships emits a similar amount of carbon into the atmosphere as what all the cars in the USA emit per year  -  this can be eliminated or greatly reduced with Localization.

 -  Localization with Outsourced Selling reduces that movement and generates more local growth and wealth.


  the 'D.O.M.E.'


  FOMEZ - Localization

  Productivity First

  RingLink Tech


  Cloud Productivity

  UDC - Neutral Currency

  Local - Capital Flows

  Balance of Payments

  Pay It Forward, Now!

  Digitizing Cash

  Booms and Busts

  Open Market Revenue

  Automation - AI

  Fractional Economics

  Supply Chain

  Economies of Scale

  Exchange Platform

  Global Locations

  Distribution of Wealth

  Labour MarketPlace

  Affordable Living

  Job Creation

    Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital    

The Digital Era Economy is scalable and autonomous, capable of changing the flow of local economies when using digital services like Free Economic Value and Advanced Pricing  -  it establishes the economies within the flow of productivity that gets tracked and captured in the Global Chamber of Economies.

Early internet gave us digital copies of old centralized commerce models  -  a scalable Digital Economy fully digitizes local commerce

Digitizing commerce means integrating a Global Crowd into a digital assembly line with a buying power incentive that perpetually drives local and global productivity

Belief that Globalization helps developing countries is exaggerated when cheap labour is still being exploited after centuries of building out global trade, today's world has technology to 'shift' industries and knowledge to local soils  -  the only deterrent until now was local costs.

Free Trade agreements between countries is of great importance but is flawed when a country can revalue its own currency against others.

Localization counters the volatility markets have on local industries by being structured from the bottom up so Sellers have the 'control over pricing' without it affecting other sectors of the Supply Chains.

For Coffee Growers in a developing country the platform can provide the growers with tools to Outsource Selling, listing their product at a profitable and sustainable Selling Prices and still have Buying Prices so low it would be impossible for traders to ignore,

-  the same Outsourced Selling can be repeated all along Supply Chains through export and import, all the way to domestic markets.

In the case where products are imported into a country and the product could be termed as dumping, then the laws of the country could be imposed  -  in the situation where the imported products are able to be imported and were clearly cheaper than the local products, then this is when Localization and Outsourced Selling can provide the competitive advantage for local industries and Sellers against imports, which is most likely subsidized by the importer's country government.

When a country doesn't have an industry to compete with imported goods, then the local consumers gain the advantage if the goods are priced by Outsourced Selling.

Size of a FOMEZ can vary, it can be a country, a region, city or even a town, the uniqueness is that even though each Zone operates as an independent location, each is linked to all other FOMEZ locations, so

-  Buyers in other Zones can buy across borders at the low Buyer Prices, hence the name  -  Free Open Market Economic Zone

-  Buying across borders means that the Seller is drawing in Capital Investment into their local economy with their Productivity.

-  Buying and Selling from a FOMEZ is operated from the Global Trading Platform and the Seller's Trading Platform for B2B trading.

Cities, suburbs, regions, can all be listed FOMEZ locations when productivity activity reaches consistent levels.

Each FOMEZ location is its own SaaS Platform, where it can democratically control its own role in a scalable Digital Economy


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Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?


QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the New P2P Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

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